
Bush goes to China

Bush went to China and what did he return with? Nuthin'. In fact worse than that. Here locally the trade agreement he set up with China will continue to hurt our textile industry. From the article in the Times

The pending agreement was denounced by Bruce S. Raynor, general president of UniteHere, a union representing textile workers, for being "unnecessarily generous to the Chinese."

"This agreement will cost tens of thousands of jobs in the United States and in Central America, and it gives us nothing in return," Mr. Raynor said.

He said the government should have demanded that China allow workers to organize unions and negotiate for higher wages. "If we are going to give up American jobs, at least we ought to help Chinese workers improve their standard of living," Mr. Raynor said....

North Carolina had 350,000 textile jobs in 1972, but more than 90 percent of them will be gone by the end of this decade, Mark Vitner, a senior economist at Wachovia Bank in Charlotte, said yesterday. He said production had not declined as sharply because Chinese imports encouraged the state's companies to make investments in automated machinery, which cut payrolls.

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